SOMERRAAISELS: RIAAN SMIT 2012 [email protected]
Somerraaisels deur Riaan Smit ISBN-nommer: 978-0-9870244-4-2
Eerste Uitgawe Eerste Druk 2012
Silwer Snare Uit diep gedagtes kom drome innig voort:
skemer-visioene, enig in hul soort.
Met skynbeelde wat my inspireer
kom die wysie van my hart in klanke deur.
Die donker snaar in basse-spel
gee my melodie ritme wat ’n storie vertel.
Op al my reise en vanuit alle oorde
word daar deuntjies gebore uit walsende woorde.
Mense en gebeure kan my hart diep raak:
een oomblik is daar niks om tot vers te maak,
die volgende roer daar wonders elders ...
emosie-kleure uit my siel se kelders.
Veelstemmig en in harmonie
vorm dit my verhaal in melodie.
Silwer snaar nou sag bespeel;
die storie van ’n lied wat harte steel.
Sielvol deur silwersnarespel
kom my melodie sy storie vertel;
roerende ritme van verlange
in hartseerwoorde van my sange.
So skryf ek as digter nou my siel;
so sing ek as sanger nou my lied.
Riaan Smit
Eerste Uitgawe Eerste Druk 2012
Silwer Snare Uit diep gedagtes kom drome innig voort:
skemer-visioene, enig in hul soort.
Met skynbeelde wat my inspireer
kom die wysie van my hart in klanke deur.
Die donker snaar in basse-spel
gee my melodie ritme wat ’n storie vertel.
Op al my reise en vanuit alle oorde
word daar deuntjies gebore uit walsende woorde.
Mense en gebeure kan my hart diep raak:
een oomblik is daar niks om tot vers te maak,
die volgende roer daar wonders elders ...
emosie-kleure uit my siel se kelders.
Veelstemmig en in harmonie
vorm dit my verhaal in melodie.
Silwer snaar nou sag bespeel;
die storie van ’n lied wat harte steel.
Sielvol deur silwersnarespel
kom my melodie sy storie vertel;
roerende ritme van verlange
in hartseerwoorde van my sange.
So skryf ek as digter nou my siel;
so sing ek as sanger nou my lied.
Riaan Smit
Soulscape: Poetry inspired by Mardene Marais, compiled by Myra Lochner ISBN 978-1-920673-07-9
First Edition First Print 2013
Dedicated to Fanie Marais, who succeeds in keeping the memories of Mardene alive in a most compassionate way:
enhancing the talents of artists to the benefit of themselves and their communities.
The poems in this collection are inspired by the work of Mardene Marais, an extremely talented South African poet, who died young.
The poems were submitted to a poetry contest hosted by Myra Lochner, on the interactive poetry website,
Judge’s Report The winning poem, entered by Zayra Yves, stood out from the very beginning. The title, Slowly toward the return, indicates the restraint of ambivalence, and a reluctance to face loss, yet knowing there is no other way to regain life, but by living the memory.
This is a poem picturesque in its soft impressions and melodic in sound and alliteration, e.g. sing the song of lost things. It is poignant in paradox, e.g. grace from stumbling, and flower from the tomb of heartache. Furthermore, it is a poem shifting in process, by applying meaningful visuals e.g. let shadows pass with clouds, where earth and sky, mortality and immor-tality, are connected in a most spiritual and reverent way.
Euphemistic, and rather soothing in its additive splendour of assonance and alliteration, is the following phrase: give loneliness a long walk through town.
I loved the clever, accumulative intensification and echo of long, longing, belonging. The exit lines, finding the way back to the garden, is probably the ultimate wish of all souls and just perfect as a climax to this wondrous poem, and a silent prayer for this contest.
Congratulations, Zayra, on a worthy gold!
Myra Lochner
KREATIV SA July, 2013
Slowly Toward the Return
Zayra Yves on January 25, 2011. © All rights reserved
If I do not peel back the edge
of a petal
to touch the soft essence
of awakening
and do not try to catch a feather
in the wind
just to be close to an angel,
or cannot take the salt of grief
like medicine,
then I will never know the heart
of smoldering love,
or the grace that arrives
from stumbling through good-bye.
If I do not empty my mind
of what I think I know
or let shadows pass with clouds,
and give loneliness a long walk
through town,
how will my longing find the beauty
of unknown things
or flower from the tomb
of heartache?
If I do not sing the song
of lost things, honor,
and belonging
when what I hold dear
stops breathing
or disappears,
how will I find my way
back to the garden?
When Myra Lochner first posted the contest to honor the Soulscapes of Mardene Marais, I did not know who the artist-poetess was. It was an awe inspired moment for me to uncover the tender, graceful and innocently spirit infused creations of Mardene Marais. I was truly moved by the depths of loss, longing and belonging that etched itself into her life, as my soul had also been touched to the core by those elements.
Upon being awarded the Gold trophy in Myra’s All Poetry contest, I was moved to tears. It was the first time I had participated in a contest that possessed such a soulful intention. If it were not for Myra’s lovely presence and graceful way of moving through the world, and for her commit-ment to heart felt poetry, then I may not have discovered Mardene Marais, and certainly would have missed the opportunity to write a truly beautiful poem. I am grateful for the moment of inspiration and for the honor of being part of this collection.
Thank you Myra; may you be blessed always for your light in the world.
And, thank you to Mardene Marais, for leaving us with the indelible imprint of beauty, like a flower upon the canvas of our hearts.
The work of Mardene inspires me to look at reality within the dream, and vice versa, with newborn sight. I am dumbfounded at the vibrant spirit, still alive in the words she painted upon the vast canvas of the soul. It is as if reading her work instigates in me the need to dip my pen in the colours of the rainbow and rewrite all I have ever written, for added luster.
Myra Lochner
First Edition First Print 2013
Dedicated to Fanie Marais, who succeeds in keeping the memories of Mardene alive in a most compassionate way:
enhancing the talents of artists to the benefit of themselves and their communities.
The poems in this collection are inspired by the work of Mardene Marais, an extremely talented South African poet, who died young.
The poems were submitted to a poetry contest hosted by Myra Lochner, on the interactive poetry website,
Judge’s Report The winning poem, entered by Zayra Yves, stood out from the very beginning. The title, Slowly toward the return, indicates the restraint of ambivalence, and a reluctance to face loss, yet knowing there is no other way to regain life, but by living the memory.
This is a poem picturesque in its soft impressions and melodic in sound and alliteration, e.g. sing the song of lost things. It is poignant in paradox, e.g. grace from stumbling, and flower from the tomb of heartache. Furthermore, it is a poem shifting in process, by applying meaningful visuals e.g. let shadows pass with clouds, where earth and sky, mortality and immor-tality, are connected in a most spiritual and reverent way.
Euphemistic, and rather soothing in its additive splendour of assonance and alliteration, is the following phrase: give loneliness a long walk through town.
I loved the clever, accumulative intensification and echo of long, longing, belonging. The exit lines, finding the way back to the garden, is probably the ultimate wish of all souls and just perfect as a climax to this wondrous poem, and a silent prayer for this contest.
Congratulations, Zayra, on a worthy gold!
Myra Lochner
KREATIV SA July, 2013
Slowly Toward the Return
Zayra Yves on January 25, 2011. © All rights reserved
If I do not peel back the edge
of a petal
to touch the soft essence
of awakening
and do not try to catch a feather
in the wind
just to be close to an angel,
or cannot take the salt of grief
like medicine,
then I will never know the heart
of smoldering love,
or the grace that arrives
from stumbling through good-bye.
If I do not empty my mind
of what I think I know
or let shadows pass with clouds,
and give loneliness a long walk
through town,
how will my longing find the beauty
of unknown things
or flower from the tomb
of heartache?
If I do not sing the song
of lost things, honor,
and belonging
when what I hold dear
stops breathing
or disappears,
how will I find my way
back to the garden?
When Myra Lochner first posted the contest to honor the Soulscapes of Mardene Marais, I did not know who the artist-poetess was. It was an awe inspired moment for me to uncover the tender, graceful and innocently spirit infused creations of Mardene Marais. I was truly moved by the depths of loss, longing and belonging that etched itself into her life, as my soul had also been touched to the core by those elements.
Upon being awarded the Gold trophy in Myra’s All Poetry contest, I was moved to tears. It was the first time I had participated in a contest that possessed such a soulful intention. If it were not for Myra’s lovely presence and graceful way of moving through the world, and for her commit-ment to heart felt poetry, then I may not have discovered Mardene Marais, and certainly would have missed the opportunity to write a truly beautiful poem. I am grateful for the moment of inspiration and for the honor of being part of this collection.
Thank you Myra; may you be blessed always for your light in the world.
And, thank you to Mardene Marais, for leaving us with the indelible imprint of beauty, like a flower upon the canvas of our hearts.
The work of Mardene inspires me to look at reality within the dream, and vice versa, with newborn sight. I am dumbfounded at the vibrant spirit, still alive in the words she painted upon the vast canvas of the soul. It is as if reading her work instigates in me the need to dip my pen in the colours of the rainbow and rewrite all I have ever written, for added luster.
Myra Lochner
STORIES UIT 'N STRAAT: AMANDA KRIEL 2013 [email protected]
Stories uit ’n Straat deur Amanda Kriel Gepubliseer deur KREATIV SA ISBN: 978-1-920673-02-4 Eerste Uitgawe Eerste Druk 2013
Amanda se merkwaardige verhaal baan straatjies en snelweë van oorbekende, maar ook onbetrede roetes in die binneste. Haar vreesloos-innige en soms humoristiese vertelstyl oorrompel die leser, ontsluit hekke en deure en open dimensies, waarbinne die menslike gees oneindig dapper en weerbaar figureer tydens die ervaar en verduur van lyding, maar ook kwesbaar en broos is.
“Stories uit ’n Straat” het my weer laat besef dat dood en lewe in Skepperhande is; dat Hy ook die Bron van moed en krag is, wat ons bemagtig om al die strate te betree wat Hy in liefde vir ons uitlê. Amanda se verhaal bring hoop vir neurologies-gestremdes en ook aan dié wat hulle op ’n persoonlike lydensweg bevind.
Hierdie publikasie is ’n voorbeeld van skryfterapie, wat geloofsverdieping en ook geestelike en liggaamlike genesing tot gevolg kan hê.
Myra Lochner KREATIV SA 17 Julie 2013
So saggies kan ek jou neervly
op ’n grasperk vol dorings,
wat nog nie die hardheid
van die winter ervaar het nie.
Ons sal dit maak,
met deurgetrapte sole
en waterverrimpelde hande
en saggies kreet:
O, God!
Wys die pad
van geregtigheid aan;
wys ’n kussing van geloof,
om ons moeё koppe
op neer te lê.
Amanda Kriel
Amanda se merkwaardige verhaal baan straatjies en snelweë van oorbekende, maar ook onbetrede roetes in die binneste. Haar vreesloos-innige en soms humoristiese vertelstyl oorrompel die leser, ontsluit hekke en deure en open dimensies, waarbinne die menslike gees oneindig dapper en weerbaar figureer tydens die ervaar en verduur van lyding, maar ook kwesbaar en broos is.
“Stories uit ’n Straat” het my weer laat besef dat dood en lewe in Skepperhande is; dat Hy ook die Bron van moed en krag is, wat ons bemagtig om al die strate te betree wat Hy in liefde vir ons uitlê. Amanda se verhaal bring hoop vir neurologies-gestremdes en ook aan dié wat hulle op ’n persoonlike lydensweg bevind.
Hierdie publikasie is ’n voorbeeld van skryfterapie, wat geloofsverdieping en ook geestelike en liggaamlike genesing tot gevolg kan hê.
Myra Lochner KREATIV SA 17 Julie 2013
So saggies kan ek jou neervly
op ’n grasperk vol dorings,
wat nog nie die hardheid
van die winter ervaar het nie.
Ons sal dit maak,
met deurgetrapte sole
en waterverrimpelde hande
en saggies kreet:
O, God!
Wys die pad
van geregtigheid aan;
wys ’n kussing van geloof,
om ons moeё koppe
op neer te lê.
Amanda Kriel